I'm something of a novice at digital art but I've been drawing since childhood. Currently working on a few original projects; Howdy Doo and Reptile House.

Greg Bollinger @Tod309

Age 35, Male

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Roscoe High School

Somewhere in Texas

Joined on 9/3/19

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Thoughts on Trump and the election

Posted by Tod309 - November 13th, 2020

The last 4 years have been...interesting, to say the least especially with concerns to Trump's presidency. I'd like to start by saying that while I'm a conservative, I'm no fan of Donald Trump. When he first came into office in 2016 I was cautiously optimistic about him. I wanted to wait and see how he performs before I put any investment in him or make any judgments about him. And after 4 years in office I can safely say that Trump is not only a disappointment but a fraud as well.

Back in 2016 he campaigned on promises of putting Hillary Clinton behind bars, draining the swamp that is Washington DC, repealing Obamacare, securing the southern border, protecting gun-rights, helping the business sector and making America great again. As you can see this appealed a great deal to Republicans, constitutionalists, conservatives, libertarians and right-wingers in general and naturally this pissed off everyone on the left side of the spectrum, as you can tell by the nationwide temper-tantrums they've been throwing since he got in office. Conservatives, constitutionalists and libertarians especially have invested a lot of their hopes and emotional energies into propping Trump up as this hero on a white horse who'll take back America from the globalists and Republicans see him as their champion against the Democrat menace. Frankly I think they suffer from the same kind of cognitive dissonance and Trump Derangement Syndrome in regards to certain realities about Trump and the drama surrounding him as the Left, only reversed. And here are some reasons why.

First and foremost with the exception of the border wall Trump has failed to keep his campaign promises including his promise to put Hillary behind bars for her crimes. While this could be chalked up to interference from Democrats a possibility Trump supporters will never consider is that Trump never intended to lock her up and just promised he would to garner more votes from conservatives and get them more invested in him. It's basically a fact of life that politicians, elected or not, will lie and make false promises to get what they want. Trump is no different and the fact that he's a supposed outsider is irrelevant. There's also the fact that within the halls of power the two party system is all one big Kabuki theater. A false left/right paradigm. Ever wonder why Republicans have a habit of adopting the same policies as Democrats whenever they get into power? This is why. They're all one big incestuous family, Republicans and Democrats. It's also important to remember that both parties are controlled by the same globalists Trump claims to be fighting against. Frankly I find it a bit baffling that conservatives of all people haven't figured this out; yet I've seen plenty of them fall head over heels for any politician with an "R" after their name and says all the right rhetoric. Just like liberals did with Obama.

Even more baffling than that are those who still cling to the notion that Trump is a champion of the 2nd Amendment despite the fact that he was responsible for the bump stock ban(something even gun-grabber Obama wouldn't touch), increased enforcement of federal gun laws and has even spoken in favor of implementing federal red-flag laws. If he truly cared about the 2nd Amendment he would be repealing the NFA, GCA and every other federal gun law there is or at the very least render them unenforceable, pardon everyone convicted or imprisoned under those laws and restoring their rights and firing every last ATF agent; he is head of the Executive branch after all which means they take orders from him. But instead all he's offered was some half-assed promise of nationwide reciprocity for CC permit holders, which will likely become moot anyway as more and more states adopt constitutional carry. And from what I've seen on Guns & Gadgets YouTube channel Trump's taking an equally half-assed approach to reigning the ATF on their recent tomfoolery with AR pistols and pistol braces. And while I don't think he'll attempt to pass any of the kinds of registry and confiscation orders like Biden has at the moment it's very possible he might change his mind should the ongoing unrest continue or intensify if he gets a second term.

Then there's the trade war with China and our current fiscal instability. The fact of the matter is nothing has really been improved, fiscally or economically, under the Trump administration. In fact it's gotten worse, and it has nothing to do with the corona virus or the lock downs. Truth is our economic troubles have been festering for years and they can not be solved by any one president regardless of their time in office. Those problems stem from the power of the Federal Reserve to prop up or sabotage our system at will, and the ongoing presence of elitists within our government.  Trump appears to have no intention of ever going after the Federal Reserve, and as mentioned earlier, he has invited a gang of elitists into the White House. Fiscal improvement is now impossible, an economic collapse is inevitable if not eminent and frankly it's too late to stop it anyhow. Beyond this root cancer affecting our nation, Trump has not even taken the more rudimentary steps of giving corporations incentives to bring production back to America BEFORE attempting to enforce trade tariffs. With America's dependency on foreign production as well as the elephant in the room - America's dependency on foreign investment in our debt and the dollar as a world reserve currency, a drawn out trade war will eventually result in severe retaliation. This means extreme price inflation on most goods due to import dependency or possible scarcity, not to mention the dumping of US Treasury bonds, the end of the petrodollar and the dumping of the dollar in bilateral trade creating even more price inflation. If you think that the dollar will not be a target in the trade war, then you are gravely mistaken.

And as far as draining the swamp goes, yeah it's never to happen even if Trump gets another 4 years in office. And it's not going to be because of liberals and Democrats running interference. It's never going to happen because Trump has stuffed his cabinet with the very ghouls(globalists) he claims to be fighting against. A few examples are his chief White House strategist and Treasury secretary Steve Bannon and Steven Mnuchin, both former Goldman Sachs agents, and his Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross, a former Rothschild agent. Ross gets special mention because he was responsible for saving Trumps wealth and image in 1990 when he brokered a deal with Trump to bail him out of debt from his failed Taj Mahal casino venture in Atlantic City. This refutes any claims that Trump can't be bought by the banking elites; he was bought by them decades in advance.

But what I find truly mind-boggling are the lengths I've seen Trump supporters and liberty movement activists go to defend his association with these people; claiming he's playing some elaborate 4-D chess game with them or he's simply practicing the old "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" routine or that these globalist agents are all Trump has to work with. I have to call bullshit on all these claims. If Trump truly cared about draining the swamp he wouldn't be playing these convoluted political games with globalists or their minions much less give them a place in his cabinet. He'd give them the boot the instant he got in the Oval Office and replace them people who are actual patriots and constitutionalists. There are plenty to choose from. Confirming Amy Coney Barrett as Justice of the Supreme Court is at least a step in the right in the right direction. But then again with his cabinet stuffed to the gills with globalist ghouls it's doubtful it'll make much of a difference in the long run.

The popular idea that Trump is under constant attack by the "Deep State" is yet another illusion in the elaborate Kabuki theater of Washington politics. The fact that Trumps cabinet is stuffed with globalist goons is proof he's no threat to them. If he was as big of a threat to them as his supporters claim, he would've never even made it past the national conventions. One thing to remember is that since the Deep State elites control both parties and are the ones who pick and choose the players and winners every election year. This has been going on for at least 100 years and there hasn't been a single president during that time who wasn't a globalist puppet in some form or another. And Trump is no exception. In fact Trump is the perfect pawn for their schemes to create a New World Order because as stated before the globalists are engineering an economic collapse not only in America but the entire world as well so that they can rebuild the world in their image. And in order to do that they need a scapegoat to pin all the blame on. And who better to be that scapegoat than their opposition(conservatives and liberty activists) especially when they're lead down a dangerous path by a pied piper hand selected by them in advance(Trump)?

The recent pandemic and civil unrest is exactly where Trump's pied piper status will come in handy if they decide to keep him in office. Ever since Trump won the election in 2016 the Leftists have been in a constant state of rage and recently they've become absolutely unhinged if the riots and civil unrest in the big cities is any indication. Enter the corona virus and George Floyd: 2 seemingly unrelated variables that somehow managed to create the perfect storm we're facing right now. Both the virus and Floyd's death have been used by the Left as a means to regain some the power they felt was stolen from them by Trump and the Right as well as a new means to vent their rage over their loss 4 years ago. The up side to this is that they've exposed themselves as the petty unhinged little tyrants they are. The down side is depending on how we conservatives and liberty activists respond we could end up setting ourselves up for failure if we're not careful.

I believe the globalists plan to use the insanity of the Left to drive conservatives into calling upon Trump to impose martial law in order to deal with them if Trump remains in office for another term. If that happens then the globalists will have won; in the eyes of the world we'll actually become the fascists the Left decry us for being and we'll end up becoming the very evil we're fighting against and we'll lose all credibility in matters of freedom and liberty. And furthermore it would invite economic retaliation from the rest of the world in the form of dumping the dollar as the world reserve currency and sever all ties with us as well as direct intervention from the U.N. in order to deal with the ensuing chaos. It's important for us to realize that the Leftists out there rioting and looting are ultimately paper tigers and useful idiots being used as cannon fodder and we cannot allow ourselves to abandon our principles and elicit a totalitarian response in the name of defeating the Left, lest we become just like them.

Conversely if they decide to put Biden in office they'll accelerate the speed of the collapse that way Biden can claim he inherited the mess left by Trump and his followers. Not to mention he'll almost immediately institute nationwide pandemic lockdown measures like those of Australia and New Zealand and this will kill what's left of the small business sector. But first he needs to disarm the populace otherwise his lock down plans will be impossible. He's expressed desires to re-institute a national "assault weapon" ban like what we had in the 90's as well as a national gun registry which will lead inevitably to confiscation. Either way, this will cause conservatives to rise up in armed revolt with at least half of the military deserting to join and many police aren't stupid enough to try and enforce it especially if they're conservative themselves. Naturally Biden will seek outside help from the U.N. to help him quell the rebellion. Of course I don't see them putting Biden in the White House as of yet, due to him possibly risking raising the public's ire at them instead of their preferred targets.

In the end violence will be inevitable regardless of who ultimately gets put in office. But under a second term under Trump the public and conservatives in particular will be presented with the false choice of total chaos or martial law. The only way to prevent either situation from happening is to resist the urge to call for martial law and protect your own town and counties by organizing community security yourself with the help of like-minded in your area like the folks in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho did in response to threats of BLM and Antifa busing rioters into their areas. This way there is no rationale for martial law to implemented in your area. And if they try it anyway, it'll show he's doing it for control, not security. And it would also be a necessary deterrent in the event Biden gets the Oval Office and tries to enact his totalitarian pandemic lockdowns. And if local governments try to sabotage or interfere with your efforts, ignore them and organize anyway. I'd also advice moving out of cities and states dominated by Leftists while you still can. Put aside any notion of saving those places from progressive insanity; those places are already lost. If they want to destroy their own communities, let them. And if the government in those places want to let them do it, well that's their problem not ours. Just be ready to stop them if they try to bring it to your doorstep.

In the grand scheme of things presidents and elections are ultimately irrelevant and all the political melodrama is just a distraction. Real changes in history for the better don't come from politicians or elections. Real change comes from you and I coming up with our own solutions to the problems of the day instead of relying on the government to do it for you or give you permission to fix them. If you want to pursue change through politics it should be done at the local and state level; forget about affecting change at the federal level. They're too far gone. Hard work and risk are the ways to fix what ails this nation. That means preparing and organizing for the worst case scenario, creating alternatives to the established economic model, taking matters of personal security into your own hands and becoming your own guardian and overall decoupling from the current system as much as possible. Our future and the future of freedom for America and the world depends on it.



Well, that's a really long thought. First Trump said "Hillary should be in prison," not because he was going to press charges, but instead to remind the public that her policies put so many other in jail.
Next Trump nominated 3 supreme court justices, since there is only allowed 9 & these are life time jobs, that's a win. Additionally several senate seats have turned republican.

You're close on the economy, but real issue is that about every 4 years Sudia Arbia makes some excuse to flood the market with oil in an attempt to bankrupt American oil companies. When oil stocks drop the rest of the stock market comes with it (Look at January 2016 & again right before covid out break this year). Trump got the world to reduce oil output, so when new of the covid cure came out the market is starting to rise, even with case spikes (except tech cause cash outs moving money elsewhere).

As for jobs, between covid & hire-America, companies are forced to hire local. Yes a number of jobs have been lost until the vaccine is distributed. Now people from several other countries are afraid to move to America, because our new is 24/7 'stay home / stay safe' propaganda with fears of racism, sexism, mass shotting, killer cops, climate change, virus spreaders, pedo pizza shops, murder hornets, etc. I remember when no one took anything on the internet seriously, but then the mainstream media started using twitter as a factual source. Nearly every year I'm out of work & this year has been the largest number of tech jobs I've interviewed for real companies, instead of 3-6 month jobs.

I doubt Trump will win, but threats may be used to negotiate a final deal. Biden ran a pro-American campaign, & despite all the progressives in the party, Biden may be the example need to get the progressive under control. However, Harris is another problem as her push on identity politics may encourage a radical progressive to assininate Biden.

Anyway if you want to make changes but don't feel like running for office, then you want join something called a diversity council / Employee Resource Groups / segregated labor unions. These clans are spawning everywhere, and advise CEO's, schools, government, etc. Remember , with no election process, if you don't join, someone worse then you will & claim representation ownership over your voice.
Also note that the Newgrounds community forum's have a political section.